Celta 100% online

The inital TEFL qualification that’s trusted by employers

Celta 100% online

The course content and teaching practice requirements are identical to the face-to-face and blended versions of CELTA. The only difference is that it will all be done through Zoom! All you need is a computer and a good internet connection.


How the course works
Everything is done online. You do not need any experience with Zoom, that will be part of the training. Your interview will be done on Zoom to give you a taste of this virtual teaching environment. You will also be able to practise outside the course time with your own zoom room.


How the training is delivered
In exactly the same way as it is on the face-to-face course. Every day, there are two hours of dynamic, practical workshops. All the trainees are on Zoom at the same time and the tutors will demonstrate how to plan and to give effective, engaging lessons. During the sessions, you will be able to work in pairs and groups and collaborate just as you would on a face-to-face course.


How lesson planning is supported
You will be given access to all the materials you require online and ongoing guidance on how to plan your lessons. You will get an opportunity to speak about your lesson plans, one-to-one with the tutor, who will observe all your teaching and give you constructive feedback and areas to work on for your next lesson.


How teaching practice works
This is done in smaller groups led by the tutor. Over the full course, you will teach eight 45-minute lessons to groups of between 6-10 real students. The others in your group will watch you teach, and the tutor will be on hand to guide and support you. The practice lessons are also given on Zoom, and we will teach you how to exploit the program to manage your group of students. After you have taught, your peers and the tutor will give you feedback on your lesson.


Monday to Friday 10:00-17:30


Contact the centre for next online course.

Course fees

The course fee is €1,550. This includes all materials, resources and examination fee. We also provide a free preparation course and training on how to use Zoom for teaching.

Would you like more info about this course?
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