Understanding numbers in Spanish is straightforward, as they are articulated in writing and speech in a manner similar to English, following a logical and systematic pattern. While there are a few unique nuances, you’ll quickly master them through online Spanish classes or even faster in immersion programs in Spain for groups.
The key point to remember about numbers in Spanish is that numbers up to 30 are expressed as single words, often blending components, much like in English—take “veintidós” for 22, akin to “twenty-two.” From 30 onwards, numbers in Spanish are written by connecting tens and units with “y,” which means “and”. For instance, “treinta y dos” represents thirty-two or 32.
Anyone who wants to learn how to learn to speak Spanish fluently will appreciate that using numbers correctly is a big deal, but you’ll quickly get used to how to say numbers in Spanish once you start practising.
In this definitive guide to learning numbers in Spanish, we’ll cover all of the numbers from 0 (cero, pronounced “seh-roh”) to 100 (cien, pronounced “see-ehn”), detailing how to write and how to pronounce numbers in Spanish.
Numbers in Spanish, From 0 to 10
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
0 | zero | cero | seh-roh |
1 | one | uno | oo-noh |
2 | two | dos | dohs |
3 | three | tres | trehs |
4 | four | cuatro | k-ah-troh |
5 | five | cinco | seen-koh |
6 | six | seis | say-s |
7 | seven | siete | see-eh-teh |
8 | eight | ocho | oh-choh |
9 | nine | nueve | noo-eh-beh |
10 | ten | diez | dee-ehs |
Numbers in Spanish, From 11 to 20
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
11 | eleven | once | on-seh |
12 | twelve | doce | doh-seh |
13 | thirteen | trece | treh-seh |
14 | fourteen | catorce | k-ah-tor-seh |
15 | fifteen | quince | keen-seh |
16 | sixteen | dieciséis | dee-eh-see-say-s |
17 | seventeen | diecisiete | dee-eh-see-see-eh-teh |
18 | eighteen | dieciocho | dee-eh-see-oh-choh |
19 | nineteen | diecinueve | dee-eh-see-nooh-eh-beh |
20 | twenty | veinte | bee-en-teh |
Numbers in Spanish, From 21 to 30
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
21 | twenty-one | veintiuno | bee-en-teh-oo-noh |
22 | twenty-two | veintidós | bee-en-teh-dohs |
23 | twenty-three | veintitrés | bee-en-teh-trehs |
24 | twenty-four | veinticuatro | bee-en-teh-k-ah-troh |
25 | twenty-five | veinticinco | bee-en-teh-seen-koh |
26 | twenty-six | veintiséis | bee-en-teh-say-s |
27 | twenty-seven | veintisiete | bee-en-teh-see-eh-teh |
28 | twenty-eight | veintiocho | bee-en-teh-oh-choh |
29 | twenty-nine | veintinueve | bee-en-teh-noo-eh-beh |
30 | thirty | treinta | tray-n-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 31 to 40
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
31 | thirty-one | treinta y uno | tray-n-tah-ee-oo-noh |
32 | thirty-two | treinta y dos | tray-n-tah-ee-dohs |
33 | thirty-three | treinta y tres | tray-n-tah-ee-trehs |
34 | thirty-four | treinta y cuatro | tray-n-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
35 | thirty-five | treinta y cinco | tray-n-tah-ee-seen-koh |
36 | thirty-six | treinta y seis | tray-n-tah-ee-say-s |
37 | thirty-seven | treinta y siete | tray-n-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
38 | thirty-eight | treinta y ocho | tray-n-tah-ee-oh-choh |
39 | thirty-nine | treinta y nueve | tray-n-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
40 | forty | cuarenta | k-ah-ren-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 41 to 50
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
41 | forty-one | cuarenta y uno | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-oo-noh |
42 | forty-two | cuarenta y dos | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-dohs |
43 | forty-three | cuarenta y tres | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-trehs |
44 | forty-four | cuarenta y cuatro | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
45 | forty-five | cuarenta y cinco | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-seen-koh |
46 | forty-six | cuarenta y seis | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-say-s |
47 | forty-seven | cuarenta y siete | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
48 | forty-eight | cuarenta y ocho | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-oh-choh |
49 | forty-nine | cuarenta y nueve | k-ah-ren-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
50 | fifty | cincuenta | seen-koo-ehn-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 51 to 60
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
51 | fifty-one | cincuenta y uno | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-oo-noh |
52 | fifty-two | cincuenta y dos | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-dohs |
53 | fifty-three | cincuenta y tres | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-trehs |
54 | fifty-four | cincuenta y cuatro | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
55 | fifty-five | cincuenta y cinco | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-seen-koh |
56 | fifty-six | cincuenta y seis | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-say-s |
57 | fifty-seven | cincuenta y siete | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
58 | fifty-eight | cincuenta y ocho | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-oh-choh |
59 | fifty-nine | cincuenta y nueve | seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
60 | sixty | sesenta | say-sehn-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 61 to 70
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
61 | sixty-one | sesenta y uno | say-sehn-tah-ee-oo-noh |
62 | sixty-two | sesenta y dos | say-sehn-tah-ee-dohs |
63 | sixty-three | sesenta y tres | say-sehn-tah-ee-trehs |
64 | sixty-four | sesenta y cuatro | say-sehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
65 | sixty-five | sesenta y cinco | say-sehn-tah-ee-seen-koh |
66 | sixty-six | sesenta y seis | say-sehn-tah-ee-say-s |
67 | sixty-seven | sesenta y siete | say-sehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
68 | sixty-eight | sesenta y ocho | say-sehn-tah-ee-oh-choh |
69 | sixty-nine | sesenta y nueve | say-sehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
70 | seventy | setenta | say-ten-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 71 to 80
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
71 | seventy-one | setenta y uno | say-ten-tah-ee-oo-noh |
72 | seventy-two | setenta y dos | say-ten-tah-ee-dohs |
73 | seventy-three | setenta y tres | say-ten-tah-ee-trehs |
74 | seventy-four | setenta y cuatro | say-ten-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
75 | seventy-five | setenta y cinco | say-ten-tah-ee-seen-koh |
76 | seventy-six | setenta y seis | say-ten-tah-ee-say-s |
77 | seventy-seven | setenta y siete | say-ten-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
78 | seventy-eight | setenta y ocho | say-ten-tah-ee-oh-choh |
79 | seventy-nine | setenta y nueve | say-ten-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
80 | eighty | ochenta | oh-chehn-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 81 to 90
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
81 | eighty-one | ochenta y uno | oh-chehn-tah-ee-oo-noh |
82 | eighty-two | ochenta y dos | oh-chehn-tah-ee-dohs |
83 | eighty-three | ochenta y tres | oh-chehn-tah-ee-trehs |
84 | eighty-four | ochenta y cuatro | oh-chehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
85 | eighty-five | ochenta y cinco | oh-chehn-tah-ee-seen-koh |
86 | eighty-six | ochenta y seis | oh-chehn-tah-ee-say-s |
87 | eighty-seven | ochenta y siete | oh-chehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
88 | eighty-eight | ochenta y ocho | oh-chehn-tah-ee-oh-choh |
89 | eighty-nine | ochenta y nueve | oh-chehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
90 | ninety | noventa | noh-ben-tah |
Numbers in Spanish, From 91 to 100
Number | In English | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
91 | ninety-one | noventa y uno | noh-ben-tah-ee-oo-noh |
92 | ninety-two | noventa y dos | noh-ben-tah-ee-dohs |
93 | ninety-three | noventa y tres | noh-ben-tah-ee-trehs |
94 | ninety-four | noventa y cuatro | noh-ben-tah-ee-k-ah-troh |
95 | ninety-five | noventa y cinco | noh-ben-tah-ee-seen-koh |
96 | ninety-six | noventa y seis | noh-ben-tah-ee-say-s |
97 | ninety-seven | noventa y siete | noh-ben-tah-ee-see-eh-teh |
98 | ninety-eight | noventa y ocho | noh-ben-tah-ee-oh-choh |
99 | ninety-nine | noventa y nueve | noh-ben-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh |
100 | one hundred | cien | see-ehn |
Numbers in Spanish After 100
In Spanish, for numbers larger than 100, there are additional rules to learn. For example, Spanish uses a period (.) to separate thousands and a comma (,) for decimals. This is the opposite of English formatting. You can learn all this and more at IH Madrid, where you can study in person or online and benefit from a whole range of other language learning tools, including the Spanish Level Test, which helps non-native Spanish learners identify their level.