Numbers in Spanish – How to count from 0 to 100: The definitive guide

Understanding numbers in Spanish is straightforward, as they are articulated in writing and speech in a manner similar to English, following a logical and systematic pattern. While there are a few unique nuances, you’ll quickly master them through online Spanish classes or even faster in immersion programs in Spain for groups.

The key point to remember about numbers in Spanish is that numbers up to 30 are expressed as single words, often blending components, much like in English—take “veintidós” for 22, akin to “twenty-two.” From 30 onwards, numbers in Spanish are written by connecting tens and units with “y,” which means “and”. For instance, “treinta y dos” represents thirty-two or 32.

Anyone who wants to learn how to learn to speak Spanish fluently will appreciate that using numbers correctly is a big deal, but you’ll quickly get used to how to say numbers in Spanish once you start practising.  

In this definitive guide to learning numbers in Spanish, we’ll cover all of the numbers from 0 (cero, pronounced  “seh-roh”) to 100 (cien, pronounced  “see-ehn”), detailing how to write and how to pronounce numbers in Spanish. 

Numbers in Spanish, From 0 to 10

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
0 zero cero seh-roh
1 one uno oo-noh
2 two dos dohs
3 three tres trehs
4 four cuatro k-ah-troh
5 five cinco seen-koh
6 six seis say-s
7 seven siete see-eh-teh
8 eight ocho oh-choh
9 nine nueve noo-eh-beh
10 ten diez dee-ehs

Numbers in Spanish, From 11 to 20

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
11 eleven once on-seh
12 twelve doce doh-seh
13 thirteen trece treh-seh
14 fourteen catorce k-ah-tor-seh
15 fifteen quince keen-seh
16 sixteen dieciséis dee-eh-see-say-s
17 seventeen diecisiete dee-eh-see-see-eh-teh
18 eighteen dieciocho dee-eh-see-oh-choh
19 nineteen diecinueve dee-eh-see-nooh-eh-beh
20 twenty veinte bee-en-teh

Numbers in Spanish, From 21 to 30

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
21 twenty-one veintiuno bee-en-teh-oo-noh
22 twenty-two veintidós bee-en-teh-dohs
23 twenty-three veintitrés bee-en-teh-trehs
24 twenty-four veinticuatro bee-en-teh-k-ah-troh
25 twenty-five veinticinco bee-en-teh-seen-koh
26 twenty-six veintiséis bee-en-teh-say-s
27 twenty-seven veintisiete bee-en-teh-see-eh-teh
28 twenty-eight veintiocho bee-en-teh-oh-choh
29 twenty-nine veintinueve bee-en-teh-noo-eh-beh
30 thirty treinta tray-n-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 31 to 40

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
31 thirty-one treinta y uno tray-n-tah-ee-oo-noh
32 thirty-two treinta y dos tray-n-tah-ee-dohs
33 thirty-three treinta y tres tray-n-tah-ee-trehs
34 thirty-four treinta y cuatro tray-n-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
35 thirty-five treinta y cinco tray-n-tah-ee-seen-koh
36 thirty-six treinta y seis tray-n-tah-ee-say-s
37 thirty-seven treinta y siete tray-n-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
38 thirty-eight treinta y ocho tray-n-tah-ee-oh-choh
39 thirty-nine treinta y nueve tray-n-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
40 forty cuarenta k-ah-ren-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 41 to 50

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
41 forty-one cuarenta y uno k-ah-ren-tah-ee-oo-noh
42 forty-two cuarenta y dos k-ah-ren-tah-ee-dohs
43 forty-three cuarenta y tres k-ah-ren-tah-ee-trehs
44 forty-four cuarenta y cuatro k-ah-ren-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
45 forty-five cuarenta y cinco k-ah-ren-tah-ee-seen-koh
46 forty-six cuarenta y seis k-ah-ren-tah-ee-say-s
47 forty-seven cuarenta y siete k-ah-ren-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
48 forty-eight cuarenta y ocho k-ah-ren-tah-ee-oh-choh
49 forty-nine cuarenta y nueve k-ah-ren-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
50 fifty cincuenta seen-koo-ehn-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 51 to 60

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
51 fifty-one cincuenta y uno seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-oo-noh
52 fifty-two cincuenta y dos seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-dohs
53 fifty-three cincuenta y tres seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-trehs
54 fifty-four cincuenta y cuatro seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
55 fifty-five cincuenta y cinco seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-seen-koh
56 fifty-six cincuenta y seis seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-say-s
57 fifty-seven cincuenta y siete seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
58 fifty-eight cincuenta y ocho seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-oh-choh
59 fifty-nine cincuenta y nueve seen-koo-ehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
60 sixty sesenta say-sehn-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 61 to 70

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
61 sixty-one sesenta y uno say-sehn-tah-ee-oo-noh
62 sixty-two sesenta y dos say-sehn-tah-ee-dohs
63 sixty-three sesenta y tres say-sehn-tah-ee-trehs
64 sixty-four sesenta y cuatro say-sehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
65 sixty-five sesenta y cinco say-sehn-tah-ee-seen-koh
66 sixty-six sesenta y seis say-sehn-tah-ee-say-s
67 sixty-seven sesenta y siete say-sehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
68 sixty-eight sesenta y ocho say-sehn-tah-ee-oh-choh
69 sixty-nine sesenta y nueve say-sehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
70 seventy setenta say-ten-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 71 to 80

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
71 seventy-one setenta y uno say-ten-tah-ee-oo-noh
72 seventy-two setenta y dos say-ten-tah-ee-dohs
73 seventy-three setenta y tres say-ten-tah-ee-trehs
74 seventy-four setenta y cuatro say-ten-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
75 seventy-five setenta y cinco say-ten-tah-ee-seen-koh
76 seventy-six setenta y seis say-ten-tah-ee-say-s
77 seventy-seven setenta y siete say-ten-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
78 seventy-eight setenta y ocho say-ten-tah-ee-oh-choh
79 seventy-nine setenta y nueve say-ten-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
80 eighty ochenta oh-chehn-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 81 to 90

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
81 eighty-one ochenta y uno oh-chehn-tah-ee-oo-noh
82 eighty-two ochenta y dos oh-chehn-tah-ee-dohs
83 eighty-three ochenta y tres oh-chehn-tah-ee-trehs
84 eighty-four ochenta y cuatro oh-chehn-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
85 eighty-five ochenta y cinco oh-chehn-tah-ee-seen-koh
86 eighty-six ochenta y seis oh-chehn-tah-ee-say-s
87 eighty-seven ochenta y siete oh-chehn-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
88 eighty-eight ochenta y ocho oh-chehn-tah-ee-oh-choh
89 eighty-nine ochenta y nueve oh-chehn-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
90 ninety noventa noh-ben-tah

Numbers in Spanish, From 91 to 100

Number In English In Spanish Pronunciation 
91 ninety-one noventa y uno noh-ben-tah-ee-oo-noh
92 ninety-two noventa y dos noh-ben-tah-ee-dohs
93 ninety-three noventa y tres noh-ben-tah-ee-trehs
94 ninety-four noventa y cuatro noh-ben-tah-ee-k-ah-troh
95 ninety-five noventa y cinco noh-ben-tah-ee-seen-koh
96 ninety-six noventa y seis noh-ben-tah-ee-say-s
97 ninety-seven noventa y siete noh-ben-tah-ee-see-eh-teh
98 ninety-eight noventa y ocho noh-ben-tah-ee-oh-choh
99 ninety-nine noventa y nueve noh-ben-tah-ee-noo-eh-beh
100 one hundred cien see-ehn

Numbers in Spanish After 100

In Spanish, for numbers larger than 100, there are additional rules to learn. For example, Spanish uses a period (.) to separate thousands and a comma (,) for decimals. This is the opposite of English formatting. You can learn all this and more at IH Madrid, where you can study in person or online and benefit from a whole range of other language learning tools, including the Spanish Level Test, which helps non-native Spanish learners identify their level. 


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