How to pronounce Spanish words? Pronunciation and rules of the Spanish alphabet

Mastering proper Spanish pronunciation is a crucial part of learning the language and can be one of the most rewarding stages of your journey. Once you perfect your Spanish pronunciation, you’ll feel even more confident using the grammar and vocabulary you pick up in your lessons, whether through online Spanish courses or by learning Spanish […]

How to say the time in Spanish? Master telling time in Spanish

Spanish time expressions are among the most important for anyone who is starting to study the language and hoping to ultimately achieve fluency in Spanish. Understanding how to express the time correctly is essential for organising yourself, so that you make it on time to your meetings, appointments, activities or events, whether professional or personal.  […]

How long to learn Spanish: How many hours does it take to learn Spanish?

For many, learning a language is as much about the journey as it is the destination. If you decide to study Spanish, for example, then your ultimate objective is, of course, to learn Spanish fluently. However, the learning process itself is something to savour, as it can teach you a lot about yourself and help […]

What are the easiest languages to learn for English speakers? Ranked

If you’re an English speaker and you’re considering learning a new language, it’s good to know what is the easiest language to learn. Even though there are many reasons besides the level of difficulty as to why you’d rather study one particular language over another, it is certainly wise to make sure you properly understand […]

What’s the best way to learn Spanish? Different options up to you.  

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So, you’ve decided that you want to learn a new language and you’ve landed on Spanish, the fourth most widely spoken language in the world. It’s an exciting time, as learning a new language is one of the most exciting and rewarding activities you can do. But, what is the best way to learn Spanish? […]

A helpful guide on how to say the days of the week in Spanish

días de la semana en inglés

When you start off learning Spanish, one of the first vocabulary sets you’ll come across will be the days of the week in Spanish. It makes complete sense to learn this early on during your in-person or online Spanish courses, as the days of the week are very important and commonly used in all kinds […]

Madrid: one of the best places to learn Spanish.

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Spain has a huge variety of different aspects on offer, apart from a place to spend your holidays on the beach and retire. Spain is sun, but also grey skies. Spain is beach, but also mountains and rivers. Spain is sea, is party, but also green and culture. Spain is different, people in Spain are different and cultures in Spain are different.