Commitment to quality
At INTERNATIONAL HOUSE MADRID , our concern to improve the quality of our service and the products supplied is constant. Student orientation is the fundamental basis for our development and growth.
For this reason, INTERNATIONAL HOUSE MADRID has a quality, environmental and information security management system, which complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 standards.
This system implies a commitment on our part both with quality and with the environment and with the security of information. For this reason, we want this commitment to be extensible to the companies that collaborate with us. In this way, we periodically evaluate the performance of the suppliers that directly affect our processes and services, and we approve them to demonstrate compliance with the requirements and the commitment to quality, the environment and information security, especially in terms of personal data is treated .
Among other evaluation criteria, we value positively certified management systems, security measures to protect our data and that of our students, and incident management mechanisms.
The good relationship with suppliers is one of the keys to our success. Likewise, our management system requires us to evaluate and communicate our environmental aspects annually to control those that are significant.
The ISO Standard considers as an environmental impact any change produced in the environment, whether beneficial or not, and that is caused by the activities of the company. The environmental aspects are the agents that produce the impact, such as the consumption of water, electricity, waste such as paper and cardboard, etc.
The last evaluation of environmental aspects carried out at INTERNATIONAL HOUSE MADRID was carried out in March 2021 . Its result is the following:
« THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS. The evaluation of environmental impacts is carried out based on criteria of nature, magnitude and danger.
This evaluation is carried out annually.»