International House Madrid is celebrating Book Week

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Students in our centres, schools and companies will enjoy lessons on topics related to reading and they are invited to participate in a book exchange between students and teachers in our centres (look out for the boxes in receptions!).

SPAIN’S TOP 10 – National Heritage Hotels – Paradores

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Before I go into the top 10 national heritage Hotels of Spain, I thought it might be interesting to know a little background on this wonderful initiative. It was in 1910 that the government entrusted Marqués de la Vega Inclán the project of creating a hotel network, practically non-existent in the country at the time, which would provide accommodation for tourists and improve Spain’s international image.

IH Madrid commercialises Web page

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The new web page of IH Madrid ( has more to it than meets the eye. Behind the web site is a whole commercial power engine which changes the web from an online catalogue of courses to a sales funnel that draws visitors into a managed buying process.

More than just talk

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International House Madrid have entered into an exciting partnership with the English Speaking Union (ESU) ( ) in an ambitious project the Madrid government to provide training in Debating and Public Speaking within their bilingual schools in the next academic year (as well as several other institutions including business schools and Universities), showcasing these with the intention of growing over the next few years to cover not only Madrid but the rest of Spain.