Madrid from the Heavens

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A different way to get to know a city is from above. Some of the most iconic buildings and trendy hotels in Madrid have magnificent rooftop terraces to enjoy breath-taking views.  We also have the opportunity to see the monuments and buildings from a different perspective as we enjoy a drink.

Madrid: A movie city

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In Spain, the cinema is often referred to as the seventh art and you might be a film lover or not, but you could find yourself in one of these three situations. You may never have been to Madrid but you have seen a film which was set here.

Why choose a one-to-one?

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I’m sure that at some time you have thought about having private classes, in which the teacher and you are the only components. Why not? Let’s look at the reasons why you might decide for this kind of class.

Madrid: one of the best places to learn Spanish.

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Spain has a huge variety of different aspects on offer, apart from a place to spend your holidays on the beach and retire. Spain is sun, but also grey skies. Spain is beach, but also mountains and rivers. Spain is sea, is party, but also green and culture. Spain is different, people in Spain are different and cultures in Spain are different.